More Top Local Officials Recognize Value of Aviation
Nov. 25, 2014

More than a dozen top city and county officials issued around the country have recently issued proclamations praising general aviation (GA), including business aviation. That brings to more than 160 the number of official statements issued by local government officials since the No Plane No Gain advocacy campaign was launched in 2009.
Governors of all 50 U.S. states have already issued similar proclamations – some several times – and all those declarations include one or more key points from the No Plane No Gain campaign, which seeks to educate policymakers and opinion leaders on the importance of business aviation to communities, cities and companies across the U.S.
The following local leaders issued GA proclamations:
Auburn, AL Mayor Bill Ham, Jr. (PDF)
Brunswick, GA Mayor Cornell Harvey (PDF)
Cedar City, UT Mayor Maile Wilson (PDF)
Clanton, AL Mayor Billy Joe Driver (PDF)
Clarksburg, WV Mayor Catherine Goings (PDF)
Gwinnett County, GA Board of Commissioners Chair Charlotte Nash (PDF)
Kanawha County, WV Commissioners (PDF)
Laredo, TX Mayor Raul Salinas (PDF)
Lewisburg, WV Mayor John Manchester (PDF)
Midland, TX Mayor Jerry F. Morales (PDF)
Pottstown, PA Mayor Sharon Valentine-Thomas (PDF)
San Marcos, TX Mayor Daniel Guerrero (PDF)
Tuscaloosa, AL Mayor Walter Maddox (PDF)
Wichita Falls, TX Mayor Glenn Barham (PDF)
The number of local leaders declaring their appreciation of GA, including business aviation, ramped up dramatically this year. In 2013, just 16 mayors issued GA appreciation proclamations, but since the beginning of 2014, nearly 150 local officials have published such statements.